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In order to press on to the high calling He has given us. We have to know what He has given us. We have to know our identity. Who we are In Christ Jesus.
This teaching does just that. Let me pray for you, as you dwell here ,knowing The Spirit that brings all revelation and knowledge ,truly will enlighten the eyes of your understanding, and help you to grasp the immeasurable greatness of His power that works in you.That you will know the riches of the glory of your inheritance.
All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are In Christ Jesus. Lord , as they search them out, Your treasures , so priceless, so eternal, so glorious. Thank You Holy Spirit, for giving them the revelation of who they are~ In Jesus Name
By E.W. Kenyon
We are dealing with the almost unknown fact of our identification with and in Christ!
At once you ask, “What does “Identification mean?
It means our complete union with Him in His substitutionary Sacrifice. For instance, this term is used: “I have been crucified with Christ.” This is our Identification with Christ in His Crucifixion.
I died with Christ.
I was buried with Christ.
I suffered with Christ.
I was made alive with Christ
Now I am seated with Him.
The little preposition “with” is the key that has unlocked a long hidden truth that is of vital importance to us.
Chapter One:
The Teaching of Identification
Identification is our complete union with Him in His substitutionary sacrifice It is the legal side of redemption, it is what God did in Christ for us, from The time He went to the cross till he sat down at the right hand of the Father. There is a twofold oneness:
1. His oneness with our sin and humanity on the cross.
2. Our oneness with Him in His glory on the throne.
Identification is an unveiling of what we are in Christ; how the Father sees us in His son.
Through Christ God made us one with Him in Christ, Christ became as we were, so that we might become as He is.
*Christ died to make us live.
*Christ was made sin to make us righteous.
*Christ became weak to make us strong.
*He went to hell in order to take us to Heaven.
*Christ suffered shame to give us glory.
*Christ was condemned in order to justify us.
*Christ was made sick in order that healing might be ours.
*Christ was cast out of the presence of God that we might be welcome there.
Paul several times uses the preposition "with" in connection with his substitutionary teaching. Gal. 2:20 crucified with Christ buried with Christ. Eph. 2:6 And raised up with Him, and made us sit with Him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus. He became as we were so that we might become as He is.
Crucified with Christ When we were crucified with Christ, we were judged, condemned, castout, stripped naked, and nailed to the cross. Paul, being a Jew, upon his identification with Christ: He became a crucified man to the Jewish people. No wonder he said in Galatians 6:14 that the world had been crucified unto him, and that he had been crucified unto the world. Paul had remembered all that had happened to him. The stoning, the lash on his back; he knew it's cruelty and he could no longer be deceived. Crucifixion did not mean death; it meant union with Christ in his disgrace and suffering. Romans 6:6 "Knowing this that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away, so that we should no longer be in bondage to sin." Crucifixion points the way to death. Our old man was nailed to the cross in Christ. Christ went to the cross not for himself, not as a martyr; but as a substitute. We were nailed to the cross with Christ; we were crucified with Him. In the eyes of the mob, it was to get rid of the man they hated. In the mind of justice it meant His identification with humanity in its sin and suffering, and our identification with Him in His crucifixion.
He was made sin Justice began to do its awful work behind the scenes when Christ was nailed to the cross.
With sense knowledge the people around the cross saw only a man hanging on the cross. God and angels could see His spirit; demons could see the real man hidden within that body.
Then came the fulfillment of 2 Corinthians 5:21 “Him who knew no sin He made to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him”. (Is. 53:5- Gal.3:13) On the cross Jesus not only became sin, but He also became a curse for us. Christ came as a Jew under the first covenant to redeem all those who were under the curse of the law of that covenant.
When He hung on the cross, He not only became sin, but also a curse. Is it any wonder God turned His back on Him? Is it any wonder that He cried, "My God! My God! Why has thou forsaken me?" Christ had taken the sinner’s place in judgment; He was our sin substitute. All the forces of darkness had over-whelmed Him. Sin had not been reckoned to Him. Sin had not been set on His account, He became sin, All sin. Our senses reel under the staggering thought of it. We cannot grasp the depths of His agony. We can hear Paul cry. Philippians 3:10 "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings becoming conformed unto his death”. Paul's prayer amasses me; He wanted to share in the death agonies of Christ, he wanted to fellowship in his sufferings; but Paul could not do that, no one could do that. It was Gods' own work that must be wrought. When He surrendered His son to death, He revealed a love that beggars description.
He was made sick The next step in this drama is found in Isaiah 53:3-5 He was despised and rejected of men, a man of pains and acquainted with sickness, and as one who men hid their faces, he was despised and they esteemed Him not. Surely He has born our sickness and carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. It wasn't what the angry mob did, or what the Roman soldiers did: It was what God did. God made Jesus stricken, smitten with our diseases and sin. There was laid on Him the diseases and sickness of the human race. Is.53:10 “Yet it pleased Jehovah to bruise Him (Jesus), He has made him sick”. Christ was not only made sin and separated from His Father until his broken heart cried "My God, My God why has thou forsaken me? "But the diseases of the human race fell upon him”. Is. 52:14 "as many were astonished of him His visage was so marred unlike to a man, and his form unlike to the sons of man. His figure no longer resembled a man." This was spiritual suffering, when the hidden man of the heart became not only sin, but sickness. This was the spiritual side of the agony of the
cross. This was when our sin and diseases was laid upon His spirit. His spirit was made sin as well as sick. If the heart could only take it in that He was made sin, and that we were identified with Him on the cross then we could grasp the reality of His substitutionary work. This truth has been more of a doctrine than a reality to most of us. He not only laid our sin on Him, but He laid us on Him. The whole man was involved in this sacrifice, His spirit, soul and His body. We were nailed to the cross with Christ, and in Christ.
Our diseases were part of Him
When the heart recognizes this, it will be the end to the dominion of disease. For if He was made sick with our sickness, Satan has no legal right to put diseases upon us, and in the name of Jesus, we can free ourselves from Satan's power. True we have mortal bodies, but this mortal body is filled with the life of God. (2 Corinthians 5:4) That what is mortal shall be swallowed up of life. (Romans 6:14) Sin shall not have dominion over you, or literally Sin shall not lord over you. Neither shall disease and pain lord it over us. We see now that if Satan has lost his dominion, he cannot put disease upon us. We understand that sickness is spiritual, its manifestation is in our physical bodies as a disease. The world sees sickness in our bodies, God sees sickness in our spirits, and heals us through His Word. The Word heals our spirits, recreates us, through producing faith; unveils to us what we really are in Christ: NEW CREATIONS!!
It is the Word that brings healing to these sick spirits of ours. Sickness is a spiritual condition that is manifested in our bodies. If Christ was made sin, and if He put sin away, we need not be ruled by it. If Christ was made sick with our sickness, and if He put our diseases away, we need not be ruled by sickness and disease. We with our sickness and diseases were nailed to the cross with Christ. When we realize this, we will no longer struggle for faith, for righteousness, and holiness, because we will know that we were nailed to the cross and died with Him; buried with Him, suffered with Him, were made alive with Him, were justified with Him, conquered Satan with Him, were raised with Him; and finally were seated with Him. The whole program of substitutionary sacrifice is made real in us by the Holy Spirit, through the Word, all of these things are ours now: Ephesians 1:3
We died with Christ Jesus died twice on the cross. A spiritual as well as a physical death. Isaiah 53:9 And they made his grave with the wicked, and with a rich man in his deaths.[ Note; deaths = plural = more than one] John 10:18 Jesus said that no man could take his life from Him. Without a spiritual death, a physical death would not have been possible. Christ had a physical body like Adam, and physical death could not take possession until Jesus died spiritually by becoming sin for us. If Jesus body was like yours and mine, He would not have been Deity. He would have just been a martyr, nothing more than a statistic: But if He had a body like the first man Adam, that was not mortal, subject to death, (subject to Satan), then He was Deity. Here we see that human race died with the crucified one. Paul says," If we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him." (Romans 6:8 - 2 Timothy 2:11) In these scriptures we notice that we died with Christ when He died. Christ was our substitute; we were one with Him on the cross, in His death. He died under our judgment, in our stead. He died because He was made sin. If we accept Him there can be no judgment for us. (Isaiah 53:10-12) This is substitution, this is absolute identification. This is part of the great substitutionary truth in prophecy. He poured out His life unto death. Through that death, we were made alive; it was our sin that slew Christ. It is his righteousness that gives us life. He drank the cup of death that we might drink the cup of life.
Before He rose from the dead, He destroyed deaths lordship. He conquered sin when He allowed it to overcome Him He conquered Satan when He allowed Satan to gain mastery over Him. He conquered disease when He let disease take possession over Him. He became one with Satan in spiritual death to make us one with God in spiritual life. (2 Corinthians 5:21) He became one with us in weakness, in sin, in disease, and in spiritual death, that He might make us one with Himself in righteousness, in perfect health, and in fellowship with the Father.
He became deaths prisoner that He might set us free.
In the mind of justice, we died to sin and its dominion when we died with Christ. He that died is justified from sin; (Romans 6:7) Christ has set us free from the lordship of spiritual death. There was in God's mind at the crucifixion a perfect oneness of Christ with us, and in the resurrection and new birth, a perfect oneness of us in Christ. Just as Jesus conquered death by submitting to it, We in the new creation conquers Satan by submitting to the lordship of Jesus. We and our diseases were laid on Him and became a part of Him when He was made sin with our sin. We are healed by becoming partakers of His divine nature. It is an abnormal thing in the mind of the Father, for a child of God to be sick. We died with Christ, we died to the dominion of sin, we died to the dominion of disease, we died to the dominion of circumstances and habits. (1 Peter 2:24) Becomes a reality Who His own self bare our sins in His body on the tree that we having died to sins might live unto righteousness, by whose stripes we are healed. This is Identification, our utter oneness with Him in sin and judgment on the cross. That we having died to sins, His death and our death are identical. This is not His physical death, but rather spiritual. He died twice there. Christ partook of our spiritual death; we were utterly one with Him in that judgment. That we might partake of His righteousness as He partook of our sins that we might be righteous as He became sin with our sins. "By His stripes You were healed." He not only had our sin nature, but He had our diseases. He took over our diseases; He put them away when He put sin away. As He put our sin and disease away by becoming sin and diseases for us, so we partake of His righteousness and healing when we accept His work for us. Christ died once for all as our sin substitute. He in judgment met the demands of justice for us. He took with Him when He went to the place of substitution, the place of judgment, the place of suffering. The Father sees us in Christ as perfect. He saw that our union with Satan was a perfect union. God laid our spiritual death on Christ. Ephesians 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus." The Father sees us now in all of our beauty and perfection in Christ. The beauty is all His own. He made us to please His own heart. We died to sin once for in Christ. We died to satan’s dominion. We died to old habits that held us in bondage. We do not need to die again. We died once with Christ, now we reign with Him. His perfect redemption is ours, all He is and did is ours, all we are is His. The Father made us one with Himself in Christ.
We were buried with Him We have seen how He became sin with our sin, how He became our substitute, bearing our diseases. We have seen Him under the absolute dominion and power of the adversary on the cross, bearing our sins and diseases away as He was conveyed to our place of confinement. We can see Satan's gratification. We can see the great celebration in hell when Satan brought Jesus a captive into the prison house. (Acts 2:24,27,31-32) “What a day it must have been in hell when He who had raised Lazarus from the dead, had destroyed the power of death and disease, had ruled the wind and the waves, had fed the hungry, cast out demons and defeated Satan in open combat, was conquered and made one with the devil”. He was made sick, they could see in Him all the diseases of the ages. What a day it must have been! When He was brought down from the cross, and laid in the tomb; how little the disciples appreciated what He was going through, and what His sufferings were. How little the world appreciated where Jesus was, and what He was doing? They had heard Him cry, " My God, My God! Why have You forsaken Me?" God had forsaken Him whom they loved. For three days and nights the Lamb of God was our substitution in Hell. He was there for us. He had our pains and diseases, our sins, and iniquities. He was there waiting until the claims of justice were fully met. There had to be an adequate meeting of the penalty of the transgressions of the human race, and He met them. He became one with Satan when He became sin, as we now become one with Him when we are recreated. He suffered He endured all that humanity could suffer. It was deity suffering for humanity. Psalms 88 He laid Him in the lowest pit, the pit of the under world, in the dark places, in the dense darkness.7th verse; Thy wrath lieth hard upon me. Thy wrath presses, thou has laid thy fury upon me. Thou has let all thy waves strike me. Thou has let come all thy breakers upon me. 4 Divine attributes seen in hell then we come to the most remarkable part of the suffering of Christ. He cried " Wilt thou show wonders to the dead? Shall they that are deceased arise and praise thee?" Down there in that awful place God showed His wonders to the dead.
1) His power was displayed. He let them see the awfulness of sin, the absolute justice of God.
2) His love was displayed. More than that, He showed the loving-kindness of God. He said, "Shall thy loving-kindness be shown in the grave?"
3) Eternal faithfulness displayed "and thy righteousness in the Lord of forgetfulness?" And they saw Jesus, who had been made sin with our sin made as righteousness as He was before He was made sin. In seeing Him made righteous, Satan witnessed the fact that righteousness was made possible for the human in the new creation. Christ was made alive right there in the realm of death. He was called the firstborn out of death. The host of hell saw Him born out of death. They witnessed the triumph of God, and the glory of our matchless Christ. Wasn't it good of Him to give us this graphic picture, not only of His death and suffering, but of His triumph and glory? Through out eternity, in the archives of the Supreme Court of the Universe, there will be records of the Son's first visit to hell, of Satan's defeat and of mans legal redemption They saw Him put off from Himself the principalities and the powers. They saw Him paralyze the death dealing ability of Satan. They saw Him conquer the hosts of the Leader of the Dark forces. They saw Him strip Satan of the authority and dominion of which He had robbed of Adam in the garden. They saw Him arise from the dead a victor. They saw us made alive with Him, justified with Him, raised with Him, made victors with Him. Revelations 1:17-18 Christ's song of victory. "I am the first and the last, and the living one, I was dead and behold I am alive forever more, and I have the keys of death and Hades."
Made alive with Him Colossians 2:13 "And you being dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of the flesh, you I say, did he make you alive together with him." (Ephesians 2:5) Even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ." (Romans 6:5) "For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection." Here we witness the miracle of the eternities. It took place in the subterranean prison house of death. Jesus was made alive. Acts 13:33 God has fulfilled the same unto our children, in that He raised up Jesus, as also it is written in the second Psalms "Thou art My son,
this day have I begotten thee." Paul by the Spirit gave us Colossians 1:18 and He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, The firstborn of the dead, in that all things He might have preeminence. He was dead with our death. He died twice, spiritually and physically. 1Peter 3:18 Because Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God; being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit. This was not the Holy Spirit this was His spirit. How it must have shaken the foundation of that awful place when they saw Him made alive, break the bonds of spiritual death, and hurl back the forces of death that had over-whelmed Him on the cross. When were we created? In the mind of justice it was when Jesus was recreated down there. That is when the church was really born of God.
God's faith in His Son's work God is a God of faith; He is a faith God. He counted the things that were not as if they were. Down there in hell He counted us righteous, He counted us alive He counted us new creations. His sons and daughters before the day of Pentecost come and the first contingent of the Body of Christ came into being. He counted the things that were not as if they were and they became. The moment we accepted Him as savior, and Lord, this new birth is made a reality in us. He was made righteous You notice that Christ was made alive, and that we were made alive
with Him in the mind of justice. That life was the nature of the Father and when He received that nature He became righteous once more. He had been made sin. The moment that He was made alive, God justified Him. He was made righteous because He had satisfied the claims of justice. He had met every demand of the Supreme Court of the Universe that was against the human race. He was made righteous with the new Life of God, as we are made righteous in the new creation. He was made so righteous that there was not a trace of the sin and disease that had become a part of Him in that awful judgment. He was made so righteous that He could enter into the presence of the Father with no sense of guilt, sin or inferiority. When He was made sin, He cried, "My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?" When He was made alive, God said of Him, "Thou art My son this day have I begotten thee." He stood before the angelic hosts as righteous, as pure, as though He had never been made sin. The moment He was made righteous, He was the absolute monarch of the universe. He was the master of the underworld, and of Satan.
As long as He was spiritually dead, Satan ruled over Him. But when He was made righteous, He became the dominate master and ruler of hell. If He was made righteous; then all of us who accept Him as our savior, confess Him as our Lord and receive eternal life, are automatically made righteous that moment and can dominate the forces of hell, in His Name. It is all of grace, not of works. We are His workmanship in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 4:24) We are created in righteousness and holiness of truth. The same eternal life or nature of God that made Jesus righteous has been imparted to us through the new birth. Was it any wonder the Spirit said through John "as He is so are we in this world." Now we can understand 2 Corinthians 5:21 "For Him who knew no sin He made to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteous of
God in Him. (Romans 3:26) That He might Himself be righteousness, and the righteousness of him that has faith in Christ Jesus. God became the righteousness of Christ Jesus, and the moment we accept Christ as savior, and confess Him as our Lord, and believed that God
raised Him from the dead, He becomes our Righteousness. As God became the righteousness of Jesus, so He becomes the righteousness of the new creation. As He became the life of Jesus, He becomes the life of the new creation. This truth will revolutionize the church when once it grasps it. Ephesians 2:6 "And raised us up with him, and made us to sit in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus". This could never be part of the revelation unless you were as righteous as He was. Can't you see the utter fearlessness this gives you in the presence of all kinds of diseases; of Satan himself? Can't you see the boldness it gives you to enter into His presence? The sense of oneness with Him is as real as His sense of oneness was with us when He was made sin and sickness. Let us arise and take our places as victors, as conquers! Let us go out and do the work that Jesus began to do when He was here.
He conquered Satan This was the greatest event of the eternities. The eternal son was justified, made alive in spirit, and put off from Himself the principalities, and the powers, making a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. He triumphed over satan; He conquered the hosts of hell. He stripped Satan of the authority and dominion that he had taken from Adam at the fall.
You were with Him when that battle took place. You were identified with Him. Just as you were identified with Him when He was crucified. When He died, when He was buried, when He was made alive, when He was justified, you were with Him in that victory over the adversary. It was your victory, not His. Christ did not need to fight the battle; He fought it for you. When He had conquered the adversary, and stripped him of his authority, in the mind of the Father, it was as though you had done it. You are Satan's master today: Just as Jesus was when He rose from the
dead. Just as Jesus conquered the adversary during His earth walk, you can conquer him today.
It means your mastery over all the works of Satan. It means you are expected to do the works that Jesus began. This was the end of defeat and failure. This was the beginning of a new era.
It is time that we appreciated what God has done for us in Christ. It is time that we appreciated what it means to be a member of the body of Christ, that we appreciate the position in which He has placed us, and the authority He has given to us in the name of Jesus. When He defeated Satan, it was our victory. We are now the righteous victors! We are Satan's masters. We now reign as kings in the realm of life through Jesus Christ; our risen Lord. Satan cannot lord it over us any longer. Disease is under our feet. We are new creation sons. There are no problems of faith. We are His children, all things are ours. (1Corinthians 3:21). All things are yours.
We need not have faith for the things that are ours. Let us thank Him and go out and enjoy the fullness of this marvelous redemption.
Raised with Him The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is proof of Satan's defeat, of mans' redemption, and of Gods' legal right to make the believer a new creation. Ephesians 1:7 stands out with peculiar suggestiveness and comfort. "In whom we have our redemption through his blood, the remission
of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace". We have our redemption. It is not something that we have to ask or pray for. The moment we are born again, redemption is ours.
Satan's dominion over us ends. Our life of servitude and fear has come to an end. That redemption is according to the riches of His grace. We are free! We are crucified with Him, died with Him, were buried with Him, suffered with Him, were made alive with Him, conquered Satan with Him, and were raised together with Him. That resurrection of Jesus is proof that cannot be denied. Every person who takes Christ as savior, in the mind of God is a victor over the adversary. So few of the Father's children have seen this mighty truth, that our victory was in the victory of Christ. When Jesus broke the bars of death, having conquered death, Satan, and sin. IT WAS OUR VICTORY! Colossians 3:1 If then you were raised together with Christ, and we were raised together with Christ. In the mind of the Father, it was our translation out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the son of His love.
It was our redemption.
We had broken Satan's dominion over our body, soul, spirit, in Christ. But perhaps the greatest message of our perfect victory over the adversary is found in Ephesians 1:19-22. The same ability that wrought in the dead body of Jesus to reanimate it and fill it with the immortality is today in the believers. We are today, more than conquerors because of the life of God that was imparted to us in our new creation. It is the ability of God unveiled in that resurrection that so shook the foundations of hell, so that today, when believers know that they were raised
together with Christ, they know they are victors in every field and over every circumstance, and they go on from triumph to triumph. God has lifted the believer above all rule and authority and power and dominion, not only in this age, but in that which is to come. He put all things into subjection under the believer’s feet. He gave Christ who is the head of the body to be master over all the forces of the universe. Jesus gave to the believer a legal right to the use of his name. He actually gave him power of attorney so that in the Name of Jesus every demon and every power should obey that name, in the lips of the believer. There isn't anything too hard for God. God's ability is the ability that He gives us, so His resurrection is the proof of our right to reign over Satan and demons. He was raised because He had conquered Satan in our stead, so that we should no longer live in fear of the unseen forces of darkness.
The High Priest In Matthew 28:6 The angel said to the women who had come to finish the embalming of Jesus that Lord's day morning, You seek Jesus who was crucified, He is not here, He is risen. Come see where the Lord lay." He died a lamb; He arose the Lord High Priest of the new creation. You remember from John 20 that Mary saw Him. When she discovered who He was she fell at His feet. He told her touch me not, for I have not yet ascended unto my Father; but go to my brethren and say to them, I ascend to my Father, and your Father, and my God, and your God. What did He mean? He meant what we read in Hebrews 9:11-12 "But Christ having come a High Priest of good things to come, through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation, nor yet with the blood of goats and calves but with His own blood entered in once and for all into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption." As the High Priest, He took His own blood and carried it up to the Heavenly Holy of Holies, and there presented it to God. It was accepted, and once and that red seal is upon the document of our redemption. The blood of Christ, Gods son, is the eternal witness of his finished work for us, of our legal right to eternal life, and sonship with all its privileges.
On the basis of that blood, we are more than conquerors. Satan has no dominion over us. His dominion is utterly broken. The tokens of that victory are continually before the Father. Hebrews 7:22 "By so much also has Jesus become a surety of a better covenant. If you are in grave danger, or Satan is pressing hard upon you, you call the Fathers attention to your rights that are guaranteed, on the grounds of the blood. Revelations 12:11 "And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony." You have a legal right to the name of Jesus that casts out demons and breaks Satan's power. John 16:23 "If you will ask anything of the Father, He will give it to you in my name." All things are possible to you, because you are in the family. You have the perfect protection that the blood guarantees.
Christ sat down The climax of redemption was the seating of the Lord Jesus. After He had been made sin, after He had paid the penalty of our relationship with Satan, after He had suffered all that justice had demanded of us, then Christ with us rose from the dead. (Ephesians 2:6) And raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. This was the highest honor that God had ever conferred upon man. The son became a man, identified with the human race, delivered the human race from the authority of Satan, and carried His blood into the Holy of Holies to make the eternal redemption. Then He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on High. We have a man seated at the right hand of God. He is our representative. He is there to represent us. This crowning event in redemption, a man seated at God's right hand and that man is the head of the new body, the Church. Is it any wonder he shouts "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ." (Ephesians 1:3) Not only are we seated in the highest position in the universe, but we are also blessed with every spiritual blessing that is necessary to maintain our places as members of His glorious body. In the mind of the Father, every one of us is in Christ now. He sees us in Him. When we go to the throne of grace in prayer, it is as if Jesus was going there, for we go in His name. Colossians 3:3 For you died, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
We are hidden from the adversary but we are visible to the Father. (Hebrews 9:24) For Christ entered not into a holy place made with hands, like in the pattern to be true, but into heaven itself, now to appear before the face of God for us. He is there at the right hand of God the Father as our representative, as our Lord, as our lover who gave himself for us. We can see that our redemption is completed, and that it is a finished thing. If Christ sat down at God's right hand, it is because the Father accepted Him and accepted what He did for us. The fact that He is seated there is the seal of our acceptance of the beloved.
Liberating the ability of God within us The most thrilling thing that I have ever learned about redemption is the marvelous ability of God that is in the believer. We have God's life in us. (2 Corinthians 5:17) “Wherefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, the old things are passed away, behold all things are become new”. Notice carefully that the believers are a new creation. He is created in Christ Jesus. He is the workmanship of God. This new creation has become a reality to him because he has received the life and nature of God. (1 John 5:13) “These things have I written unto you that you may know that you have eternal life; even unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God”. You can see that you have within you as you read this, if you are His child, the life and nature of God. 2 Peter 1:4 tells us that we have become partakers of the divine nature. Whereby he has granted unto his precious and exceeding great promises; that though there you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in this world by lust. Jesus emphasizes this by His illustration "I am the vine, you are the branches." (John 15:5) The object if His coming was that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly, John 10:10 I am come, that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly. You have received eternal life. That eternal life is the nature of the Father as unveiled in Christ. As a branch of the vine, the same life that is manifested in the vine is flowing out through you and bearing fruit. It is the vines life in you that produces the fruits of love of faith and of joy.
You have God's word abiding in you Colossians 3:16 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." What is it doing there? It is admonishing, it is educating, it is training, it is correcting, it is building faith and love unto your spirit. Acts 20:32 “Now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is to build you up, and to give you the inheritance among all them that are sanctified”. It is the word that builds you up, and that makes you know your inheritance, it is the word that unveils to you your relationship to the Father God. It is the words that make you know your rights and privileges in Christ. You remember it was the words of Christ that healed most of the people who came to Him. He said they were His Fathers words. The Pauline revelation is the Fathers words about Jesus. When you say that you are a new creation created in Christ, the Fathers words are expressing a fact through your lips. When you say "In the name of Jesus, disease stop being," you are using the Fathers words that He spoke through Jesus' lips. When you step out into your rights of righteousness and begin to bear fruit, it will be the same kind of fruit that Jesus bore in His earth walk. Righteous means the ability to stand in the Fathers presence without the sense of guilt or inferiority. This righteousness becomes yours through the finished work of Christ. Romans 4:25 "Who was delivered up for our trespasses and was raised for our justification?" A literal translation of this verse reads "Who was delivered up on account of our trespasses, and was raised when we were declared righteous." When the life of God was liberated, the ability of God as unveiled in the word is let loose. They tell us that there is enough power in an atom to propel a great ship across the ocean. If the power that is invested in the word of God (that word that spoke the universe into existence) were let loose in you, things would happen; wouldn't they? The object of this little message is to let you know that God wants to be set free in you.
You have the Name of Jesus You have committed to memory these scriptures: You know John 14:13-14 Whatsoever You shall ask (or demand) in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified with the son, If you shall ask anything in My name, that will I do. This is not praying to the Father, nor making a request of Jesus, it is using the name as Peter did when he used it at the Beautiful Gate, when he set a man free from infantile paralysis. It is commanding the forces of darkness to become obedient to the authority of the Name of Jesus. That name is yours. You may no have taken advantage of it. Jesus gave you the power of attorney to use His name. He said in Matthew 28:18-19 All authority has been given unto me in heaven and in earth, Go you therefore and make disciples of all the nations, The word "disciple" means student, one who learns. We are to make students of the word of all nations. You have the ability to go and do it. "In My name they shall cast out demons, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover (Mark 16:17-18). That belongs to you now. The age of miracles is your age. It is the present age.
You can live and walk in the fullness of God's ability.
You can let that ability loose in you, if you will. This is the challenge to let the life of God loose in you, to let the word loose in you, to give the name it’s real place in your life. You have the Holy Spirit in You Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit who was with them would be in them. On the day of Pentecost, after He had recreated them, He entered into their bodies. What a miracle to have God in us. It is wonderful to have His word abiding in us when we realize that the universe has been created by His word, and we have that creative ability in us. Now we have God Himself in us, along with His word. No wonder He said in 1 John 4:4 “You are of God my little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world”. The God in us is the same God who spoke a universe into being, The same God who walked the Sea of Galilee. The same God is in us that rose from the dead. (Philippians 2:13) For it is God who is at work in you. You have not taken advantage of the riches in grace that belongs to us. How few of us have let God loose in us. I can feel Him struggling to have His rights in the individual members of the body of Christ. How he longs to heal the sick, to break the power of Satan over the lives of men through us. Let Him loose in us.
You have the righteousness of God We are the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21) “Him who knew no sin He made to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ”. Now He wants us to bear the fruits of righteousness. 2 Corinthians 9:10 And increase the fruits of your righteousness. The ability to stand in the Fathers presence without condemnation. It gives us the legal right to use the name of Jesus. It gives us the ability to stand in the presence of diseases of all kinds without fear; in the presence of Satan as an absolute master. Everyone that does righteousness is begotten of God. How few of us has ever done righteousness. We have thought it only meant conduct, a carefulness in our walk. That is implied, but that is not doing righteousness. Doing righteousness is doing the works that Jesus wrought, for we are taking Jesus place. Righteousness gives us the ability to stand in the presence of God anytime and to stand in the presence of Satan as absolute victors. How little this has been understood, how little we have majored it. Now God is waiting for us to bring this truth to the front. He wants us to begin to live righteousness; to practice righteousness to break Satan's dominion, to speak with authority just as Jesus did.
You Have God's Wisdom You might say this is the summation of all. If you have God's ability, God's wisdom and you let them loose, what limitlessness there will be to your ministry. It is not a problem of education, but of letting God loose in you, liberating the ability of God that is in you. Locked up in you today, is the ability of God. Jesus has been made wisdom unto you. "But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who was made unto us the wisdom from God. James told the babes in Christ that if they lacked wisdom, they could ask of God. James 1:5-8 [ look up and read.] You are grown up now. You have passed the period of babyhood, and now you know that Jesus is your wisdom.
Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge of the power and authority of the word. You have knowledge of your legal right to use the Name of Jesus in your combat with spiritual forces.
You have knowledge of the fact that God is actually in your body. Now you are going to use these mighty facts to bless humanity.
Letting God loose in us The imprisoned God at last is set free with the Bill Of Rights to use us as He pleases. We are no longer hidden, people know who we are. There is a path worn to our cottage, no matter where we live, for we have let God loose in our lives and have given Him liberty to heal the sick, and to bless the world. Satanic persecution of the righteous Jesus said, "Blessed are they that have been persecuted for righteousness sake." Later He said, "Blessed are you when men shall reproach, and persecute you." Men don't persecute for righteousness sake; Satan persecutes us for righteousness sake. Satan fears righteousness more than any other thing. On the ground of what God did in Christ for us, when we are born again, we become the righteous. That means that we have the ability to cast out demons, to break the power of Satan, to heal the sick and raise the dead. Righteousness gives deliverance from the fear of Satan and his works. It gives a sense of sonship. The son consciousness begets a faith. It takes away the sense of spiritual inferiority, and utterly destroys sin consciousness in us. We can walk before men just as Jesus did, because we know that we are a new creation.
The old life has been utterly destroyed.
We know that every sin that we ever committed has been remitted. We know that the sins that we committed since we were born again, ignorantly or otherwise, has been forgiven, and we stand in the presence of God just as Jesus did when He walked the earth. Dare we take this stand and make this confession boldly? Satan seeks to keep us sin conscious, and keep us from becoming son conscious, to rob us of our son consciousness. As long as he can keep us sin conscious we are whipped. Almost all the teaching of today keep people under condemnation.
The ministry has never realized that its work is to free man from sin consciousness and make him God conscious, son conscious, victor conscious, faith conscious, and love conscious. When we realize that we have been born of love, and that we have the love nature of God in us, we will begin to show forth the fragrance of heaven. Romans 8:37 "nay in all things we are more than conquerors." When we become victory conscious, we will arise as a strong man out of sleep and take our place among the victors. The son has made us free. Let us stand fast in the liberty wherewith His redemption has set us free.
Knowledge of His will There is a problem that bothers most of God's children: How to know the will of the Father. The will of the Father is wrapped up in the word. Jesus said, "I am come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but to do the will of Him that sent me." Jesus knew what the Father's will was. He said, "I always do the things that are pleasing in His sight." Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5 that he made it his business to be well pleasing to the Father. If Jesus could please the Father and do His will, If Paul could please the Father, know His will and so it, then it is possible for us to do it. What are the grounds for assurance? In the first place we have His mind, and His will in the word. If we search the word diligently, allowing the spirit to guide us in it, we will arrive in Spiritual growth and development through constant meditations in the word so that His will be an unconscious consciousness in us. He said, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, admonishing you, building you up. Paul said to the Ephesians church when he bid them good-by, "I commend you to the word of grace, which is able to build you up and give you the inheritance among them that are sanctified." Colossians 1:9 “For this cause also since the day we heard, do not cease to pray and make requests for you, that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, leaving fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God." The word knowledge comes from the Greek word "epignosis" which means, correct knowledge, full, complete knowledge, and then He gives us wisdom to use this perfect knowledge. Some people have said, "It does not seem credible that we could have perfect knowledge. "Why shouldn't we?
We have perfect revelation of His will.
The Bible is a perfect book. The Holy Spirit is a perfect teacher. We are perfect creations, created in Christ Jesus. We have perfect righteousness. We have a perfect relationship. He says that we have become partakers of the very fullness of Christ. "of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace." Our redemption is perfect, completed redemption that meets every need of the human, and answers every challenge of divine fullness. If this is true, I don't know why we can't have complete knowledge. I want you to notice in John 3:3-38, we are born from above. The new birth not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible of the word of God, which lives and abides forever. James tells us of His own will He beget us. John 1:13 We are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. The new creation is the work of the Holy Spirit through the word; it is a perfect work. It makes us complete in Him; "there is therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." If you who read this can accept the word, you will begin to blossom and bear the fruit of joy and peace that you never knew. We have been preached at so many years that we are poor, miserable
creatures, that we are unworthy and unfit, and that the scriptures that were written to the Jews when they were in apostasy, are applied to the church. Also the scriptures to the unregenerate are applied to the church till the church has an inferiority complex in regards to sin. It has lived in the realm of sin consciousness and a sense of unworthiness so long that the word has had little effect on it.
We want to bring this to you today.
“The Word” is a perfect message. You may have perfect knowledge of the Father's will. It would be interesting to look up these scriptures. Ephesians 1:17 "That the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him”. It is not the knowledge of the senses, but rather it is the knowledge of Him, and the Spirit will guide your heart into this. Ephesians 4:13 "Till we all come into the unity of faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a full-grown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”. There is a complete and full knowledge to which we are going to grow. This expression occurs 12-14 times in the New Testament, especially in the epistles. It has driven me to believe that the Father wants us to know His will. Colossians 1:22 "Thanks be to the Father who has given us the ability to enjoy our share of the inheritance of the saints in light." The Greek word "dunamas" translated power, means ability. God has given us the ability to know His will, to know what our share is in the inheritance of the saints in light. We have the ability. It is a God given ability. We have the Holy Spirit whom Jesus said would guide us into all truth. He is our teacher and our guide, our indwelling instructor. I cannot see where there is any ground for us to live in weakness, and failure, and ignorance of the Fathers will and of our place and standing in Christ, and of our rights and privileges. We have no more right to dishonor Father and to dishonor Jesus, than Jesus had when He walked the earth. We are the sons and daughters of God. We are heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.
We have the rights and privileges of family.
The first privilege is to make the heart of the Father glad. Having your own faith. Think of having faith in your own faith. Think of the thrill of having your own prayers answered.
There are many Christians that have been so for years, but have yet to have their prayers answered. They have had others pray for them, and those answered, but not there own. Having your prayers answered should be an everyday occurrence in the lives of the born again believers. When you realize that the great majority of Christians never have a prayer answered, you can understand what I mean when I mean by having your own faith. Most Christians are depending on other people’s faith. They can do the praying but want some one else to do the believing. In reality, they are not praying, they are just uttering words, or repeating some "incantation" they have learned, hoping that God will move on their behalf. Prayer in the New Testament sense is born of faith and is always answered. The Father planned that all should have faith. Have you noticed that passage of scripture? (Mark 16:17-18) Of whom is He speaking? Of the man or woman who has just accepted Christ as savior and confessed Him as Lord. He has just received eternal life. At once he begins his combat with unseen forces of darkness.
Someone is sick or in bondage.
He exercises his rights in Jesus name; he commands the power of Satan broken. Acts 20:32 shows the place of the word in the life of the believer. "Now I command you to God, and to the word of His grace to build you up, and to give you the inheritance, among all them that are sanctified." To build you up means, to build you up in faith, in love, and in the ability to help humanity. Your faith may be developed until it becomes a mighty force. That was the dream of the Father for you. The word will build up your sense of righteousness. I know of nothing that is needed more than this. When we become conscious that we are righteous, we will not think of our weakness or failings. (Isaiah 32:17) The work of the righteous shall be peace: and the effect of righteousness, quietness, and confidence forever. This verse does not belong to Israel, but rather to the church, through prophecy. The work of righteousness that God has wrought in you has brought peace to your heart. (Romans 8:1) There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Jesus Christ. You live in perfect quietness and rest. The effect of righteousness on your heart is a new quietness and a new type of faith. You enjoy the effect of your confidence in the finished work of Christ.
You know that you are a master of circumstances.
You know that you are a master of demons.
You know that if you lay hands on a sick person, they are healed.
The realization of this truth gives you a sense of quietness, a fullness of joy that you never have enjoyed before. The phrase "confidence forever" is striking. You have moved out of the restless atmosphere of fear and doubt, into the quiet waters of victory. You have become a master where you had previously served as a slave. You are a conqueror where you suffered defeat. You walk in the light where you had walked in darkness. You enjoy privileges in Christ. At last you have your own faith, at last you have arrived. You know what John 15:5 means. "I am the vine and you are the branches; He that abides in Me and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." You enjoy the consciousness of the life of the vine abiding in you. You are the fruit bearing part of Christ. You have been grafted into Him through the new birth. The graft has given you a new nature. You bear the Jesus kind of fruit, which is love fruit, and faith fruit.
The world is benefited by it.
Christians are lifted everywhere you go into a new consciousness of their rights and privileges in Christ. You know what John 15:7 means, "If you abide in me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will and it shall be done unto you." You know that you do abide in Him. You bear the fruitage of His indwelling word. His word in your lips produces results. The Fathers words in Jesus lips healed the sick. His words in your lips do the same. You know what it means to have legal rights, and whatever you demand He gives to you. The word "demand" is used in its truest sense. (John 16:23-24) In that day you will ask me nothing. Verily, verily I say unto you, If you will ask anything of the Father, He will give it to you in My name. The word "ask" means demand. It is not used in the sense of commanding Him to give, but in the sense that you go into the bank and demand payment on your check. In the sense your faith takes its rights, its portion. At last you know what James 1:22-24 "But you be doers of the word, and not hearers only, delude your own selves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word, and not a doer, He is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a mirror, for he beholds himself and go away, and straight way forgets what he looks like. You have become a doer of the word. You are not just a hearer. You do not delude yourself with false hopes, you are in Christ. You are as heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ. You know that His word abides in you and produces results. You are a producer. You are not marking time any longer; you know what manner of man you are. You know that you are a New Creation empowered by God. You face life with a song of victory. The word of Christ dwells in you richly in all wisdom and prudence. (Colossians 3:16) The word has become a part of God to you a part of the being of Christ to you. Day by day the great, mighty Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead builds that word into your spirit consciousness.
Christ is being formed in you.
One of these days, Christ in all of His fullness will dominate you, until He will whisper softly, (Galatians 2:20) It is no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me. Colossians 2:6-9 "As therefore you received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in Him, and established in your faith, even as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving." The scripture is real to you. Did you ever notice Ephesians 4:7? But unto each one of us was the grace given, according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Now we are moving up into the big things.
The guide said "In a few minutes we will be in the redwood section, and you will see the giants of the vegetable world. I said softly as I walked into the prayer meeting, We are coming into
the spiritual redwoods. We are going to see spiritual giants, supermen. They have God dwelling in them. The word of God is rich upon their lips. The love that relentlessly drove Jesus to the cross has gained possession of them. "They no longer walk as natural man. They belong to the love class, the miracle class. They are in the Jesus class. They have graduated from the lower class. They are men and women who have attained unto the unity of faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, and have become full-grown men unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. They have their own faith. They are established in the truth. The word is real to them.
Conclusion When these truths really gain the ascendancy in us, they will make us spiritual supermen, masters of demons and diseases. This is an unveiling of what we are in Christ, how the Father sees us in the son. It will be the end of weakness and failure. There will be no more struggle for faith, for all things are ours. There will be no more praying for power, for He is in us. There will be no more awful bondage of sin consciousness, for we are the righteousness of God in Christ.
We know that we are in Christ.
We know that He dwells in us.
We know the authority of His name.
We are God minded inside.
We have His ability.
We have his wisdom.
We have his love.
We are His righteousness.
He lives in us.
His Lordship is a reality.
His word is present tense to our hearts.
We have a standing invitation to His throne room.
We are invited to come boldly into His presence.
We are seated with Him in heaven.
He is with us on earth.
In the presence of these tremendous realities we arise and take our place.
We go out and live as supermen indwelt of God.